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神通 Supernatural Power
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Supernatural Power


There are many self-proclaimed practitioners who, due to a lack of authentic understanding of the Dharma, are quite obsessed with the development of clairvoyance—divine eyes, subtle ears, the ability of levitation and opening the central channel, or having visions. Quite often, people are eager to pass the news that so and so has gained divine eyes or so and so has had a vision of Avalokitesvara, and the like.


In fact, quite a few people have entered the Buddhist path with a wish to attain these kinds of extraordinary abilities. Such a mindset will not only obstruct them from realizing the ultimate goal in Buddhism, but will also endanger them to the possibility of running amok.


Attaining supernatural power is an amazing consequence that comes naturally while doing spiritual practices. But to become attached to it only creates obstacles to authentic advancement.


If a person pursues merely clairvoyance, he may as well join the ranks of paranormal psychics, acrobats, and sorcerers in the world—many of them are capable of displaying inconceivable maneuvers. With the fast development of science and technology, going up in the sky or tunneling into the earth are no longer fairy tales. For a person to show off supernatural powers, it serves no purpose other than trying to fish for undeserved fame.


The Buddhist’s tradition has long held a conservative disapproval toward clairvoyance. It says in the scriptures: “Demons and non-human spirits also possess supernatural powers.”


Chagme Rinpoche says: “The greatest clairvoyance is none other than to keep pure precepts.”


Once, Geshe Dromtonpa and four yogis were on their way to Radreng. One day beneath the blazing sun they discovered they scarcely had any food left for lunch. As they were trying to figure out what to do with their pressing hunger, Gönpawa already had an answer and said: “I will be enjoying the food that someone is bringing up to the mountain.” No sooner had he finished the sentence than a person showed up with an ample offering of food, which they feasted on heartily. Geshe Dromtonpa, however, was quite displeased with Gönpawa’s flaunting of his supernatural ability, as the Geshe never had the inclination for such display. He reprimanded sternly: “Gönpawa! Stop being so pompous and pretentious!”


Likewise, the great masters of the Kadampa lineage take pride in concealing their abilities. This is what they say: “He who hides his accomplishment is immune to the attacks of demons.”


Worldly folks nowadays, however, tend to flash around their dervish spells or wizardly ways even if they possess no real clairvoyance. Ultimately, what are the grandest supernatural powers? They are: to resist the spells of the alluring world, to uphold right views, to strengthen renunciation, and to generate bodhichitta. That’s it. Alas, little do people know this truth!


19th of May, Year of RenWu
June 28, 2002

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