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会死 Inescapable Death
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Inescapable Death


Choyon, a foremost disciple of the peerless Dagpo Rinpoche, is recognized throughout Tibet as a great siddha. A practitioner from Kham, upon hearing so much about Choyon, made a special trip to request his audience. After offering fine linens and fabrics to the siddha, the visitor besought teachings. But the siddha remained silent. The visitor continued to implore until finally, the siddha reached out to hold the visitor’s hands, and poignantly he exclaimed: “I am certain to die, you too are certain to die! I am certain to die, you too are certain to die! I am certain to die, you too are certain to die!” Thus he repeated, and continued: “There are no other teachings than this from my teacher. And I swear neither do I have any better pith instructions than this” The man from Kham took the siddha’s words to heart, practiced accordingly, and attained accomplishment.


As spiritual practitioners, we should always keep death in mind. The great Dharma master Yin Kuang hung a central scroll with a super-sized “DEATH” written on it in his shrine room. He left this advice: “Human life is impermanent; it passes as swiftly as the lightning.” And: “Short and brief is the time we have. How long is this human life? By merely missing one breath, immediately it becomes the next life.” Indeed, all these accomplished masters have taken death seriously.


The certainty of death is a matter of paramount importance. Keenly aware of this, masters of the past strived vigorously in their spiritual pursuits with unshakable faith. Working day and night and enduring enormous hardships, they finally realized the nature of the mind and became enlightened.


Regrettably, people these days care only about profane affairs for which they don’t mind racking their brains or haggling over every detail. As to the truly major issue of death, they would rather brush it aside, imagining that the Lord of Death might have forgotten them––a self-deceiving behavior just like burying one’s head in the sand. Since time without beginning, our dualistic grasping has obscured our true nature and its clarity. Ensnared by mundane issues, we have been revolving in the suffering ocean of life and death endlessly. Unless we awaken to the truth and attain realization, there is no escape from the abyss of birth, aging, sickness, and death. If we want to see the light again and be freed from cyclic existence, we must make great efforts. “Only by strenuous milling on the whetstone can swords be sharpened; only through the bitterly cold winter will the plum blossoms emit their sweet scent.” Only by unrelenting practice with total renunciation and constant reflection on death, will we come to perceive the fragrance of our innate Bodhi.


29th of April, Year of RenWu
June 9, 2002

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