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Noodle Soup 面条
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Noodle Soup


I met a very agreeable friend today and we had a great time chatting. We talked about Buddhism and human life, about the days we were together or separated, touching on almost every topic here and there. Totally engrossed, we did not realize it was time for lunch already. The waitress brought each of us a bowl of noodles. A look at the steaming soup was enough to make us drool, and one bite of it pleased the palate to no end. The saying goes: “When meeting heart to heart, a thousand toasts are far too few.” Little did I know that in the company of a good friend, even noodles would become tastier. The power of the mind is just inconceivable.


When I was a child, I went out once with my father to Luhuo County and on our way passed by Zindo village. We stopped at a debilitated tiny noodle stand in town and had a bowl of noodles there. Oh my, it was absolutely yummy!


Scores of years have passed, and since then I have had many popular delicacies in the world. But somehow I have never savored again the exquisite taste of that bowl of noodles. I am well aware that a bowl of noodles in a tiny village is unlikely to carry any extraordinary flavor. Everything comes from the mind. Perhaps I was so excited about the trip since I seldom went places, or perhaps good foods were indeed rare during those years. Whatever, that bowl of noodles I had at a young age left an indelible impression on my mind, and the one I enjoyed today, I believe, will do likewise.

There was once a deposed emperor who chanced upon a dish of tofu during his exile and felt it rivaled the heavenly ambrosia. Upon his return to the palace at the end of his exile, he ordered court chefs to create the same tofu dish, but none was successful in duplicating it. Due to the emperor’s excessive craving for the tofu delicacy in his memory, many chefs were unjustly accused and decapitated. If the emperor had understood that circumstances are but the creation of the mind, the chefs’ heads could have been spared. But alas, how many people in the secular world could have known this truth?



5th of May, Year of RenWu
June 15, 2002

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 遍知 Omniscient King
 永恒 Keep Going
 功德 Meritorious Activities
 善梦 Auspicious Dream
 无求 No Craving
 独立 On One’s Own
 五四 May 4th
 教言 Masters’ Teachings
 少眠 Sleep Sparingly
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