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 妙法莲华经 The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra 阅读:4024
 地藏经 The Earth Store Sutra 阅读:5235
 佛说阿弥陀经 The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra 阅读:4952
 佛说长寿灭罪护诸童子陀罗尼经 The Dharani Sutra on Longevity, The Extinction of Offences, And... 阅读:5232
 七俱胝佛母所说准提陀罗尼经 The Maha-Cundi Dharani Sutra Provided by Silfong Tsun 阅读:4575
 大般涅槃经 Mahaparinirvana Sutra 阅读:6444
 佛说大乘庄严宝王经(卷一) The Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra (Chapter 1) 阅读:3851
 佛说大乘庄严宝王经(卷二) The Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra (Chapter 2) 阅读:2733
 佛说大乘庄严宝王经(卷三) The Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra (Chapter 3) 阅读:3033
 佛说大乘庄严宝王经(卷四) The Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra (Chapter 4) 阅读:3220
 浴佛功德经 The Sutra On The Merit Of Bathing The Buddha Provided by Silfong Tsun 阅读:3627
 僧伽吒经(卷一、卷二) Sanghata Sutra 阅读:5280
 胜鬘师子吼一乘大方便方广经 The Srimala Devi Sutra 阅读:3772
 大方广如来藏经 Tathagata-garbha Sutra 阅读:3629
 大方广如来不思议境界经 Tathagatas Unimaginable State Sutra 阅读:2870
 Vajra Sutra translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society 阅读:2964
 金刚经 Diamond-Cutter Translated by E.B. Cowell, F. Max Mulller, and J. Takakusu 阅读:4746
 金刚经(藏文版英译) Tibetan-English Version translated by Lobsang Chunzin, Michael Roach 阅读:8118
 金刚经 The Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra translated by Charles Patton 阅读:4367
 华严经 AVATAMSAKA SUTRA (excerpts) Translated by The Buddhist Information Society of North America 阅读:5174

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