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不要躲在一边 Do not Hide Away
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Do not Hide Away


Do not be lazy and behave like shrimps, always hiding away to sleep. Do not cheat others or cheat yourselves. It is okay if you are working for the bodhimanda. Once, I was at a run down place and I woke up every morning at 3 a.m. to work and did not retire until 11 p.m. If you are really cultivating and protecting the bodhimanda, whatever you do is fine. We have to be careful to not be idle somewhere while others are cultivating hard. During the Chan session, if one has business to take care of, one may do so. If one does not have business to take care of, one should come to investigate Chan. One should follow and accord with conditions and come to investigate Chan. In the daytime, there are not many people. One should sit in the front and not hide at the side, thinking it is much easier to catch a nap there, where others cannot see you. This constitutes the worst type of behavior. In this way there is absolutely no way for you to be enlightened or realize the Way.


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