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大家都做一个好孩子 Everyone Should Be a Good Child
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Everyone Should Be a Good Child
Get Along in Harmony and Don't Lose Your Temper

宣公上人开示于一九七O年十二月十八日 百日禅
A talk by the Venerable Master on December 18, 1970 during the Hundred-Day Chan Session

任 何人不要吵架,不要发大脾气,谁若发大脾气,就要在 佛前跪着,跪三天。

Therefore, no one should bicker or lose his temper. Whoever loses his temper will be made to kneel for three days before the Buddhas. No matter who you are, that will be the penalty. If you don't go along, then your offenses will only be increased. I hope every one of you will be a good disciple and not give your teacher a lot of trouble. Be good children; don't be naughty and mischievous.

修行最要紧的,要修这个忍辱。你若能忍辱了,其他的这五度(布施、般若、精进、持戒、禅定)也就都有办法去修 行了;你若不能忍辱那,就怎么样修行也不会相应的。凡是在家人啊!在家,在这个家里边不要发脾气,你就是甚至于对小孩子都不要发脾气,不要说对大人了。在 已经成立家庭结婚的人,不应该发脾气,应该忍辱。这个忍辱要两方面的,不是说这个丈夫的应该忍辱,做妻子的就可以大发脾气了;也不是说做丈夫的可以发脾 气,做妻子的要忍辱,不是的,要两方面都很明理的,互相忍辱。所谓「夫唱妇随」,夫唱,就是做丈夫的唱一个歌,做太太的也应该就随着和,唱一个歌。

The most important thing in cultivation is patience. If you can be patient, then you will also be able to practice the other five perfections (giving, holding precepts, vigor, concentration, wisdom). If you cannot be patient, then you will not have any response no matter how you cultivate. Those of you who are laypeople should not lose your tempers at home, not even toward children. Those who are married and have families should not lose their tempers; they should have patience. Patience goes both ways. It isn't the case that the husband should be patient while the wife can lose her temper, or that the husband can lose his temper while the wife has to forbear. Spouses should be very principled and patient toward one another. As it is said, "The husband sings a tune and the wife follows along." Whatever tune the husband sings, the wife should sing along in harmony with him.

因为你这个人哪!这个夫妇间必须要和气,必须要不吵架。那么在没结婚以前更不应该吵架,不应该常常以为很好玩 的,就是互相给对方的这个麻烦,这是不对的,应该要互相尊重,你尊重我,我尊重你,不要为一点的小事,或者说一句话就吵起来了,就发大脾气了。没结婚之前 不应该该发脾气,已经结婚之后更不应该发脾气。你这个家里和,国家就会好;国家好,这个世界就好。你若家里不和,这国家也不会好了;国家既然不会好,这个 世界战争也就起来了,互相战争。在家有小战争,在国有个中战争,在世界上就有个大战争,那么要先把这个小战争平息了它,然后这个中等的战争也就没有了,那 大战争也自然不会发生了。

Spouses should get along well and not quarrel with each other. Before two people get married, it is important that they do not quarrel. They should not give each other trouble all the time, thinking it is a lot of fun. That is wrong. They should respect one another. They should not get into a quarrel or lose their tempers over some small matter or something that was said. Two people should not lose their tempers before they are married, and they should be even more careful not to get angry after they are married. If there is harmony within families, then the country will prosper. If all the countries prosper, then the world will do well. If there is disharmony within families, then the country will not do well. When countries are not doing well, then wars will break out in the world. There will be small wars in the families, medium wars in the countries, and great wars in the world. We must first quell the small wars, and then the medium wars will disappear and the great wars will naturally vanish as well.

你们要知道你这个男女两人这一吵架,就好像那个天和地有那狂风暴雨一样的。人一发脾气就像那狂风暴雨一样的。 你可以下雨,但是不要下那狂风暴雨,这狂风暴雨呀!把树也刮倒了,把那个房子也都刮坏了,把人也都刮死了,啊!所以有很大的损失。你若细雨,小小的雨可 以,吵架不要吵大架,小一点不要紧,不要叫师父听到;你叫师父听到,师父这就心里也有了烦恼了。所以你们在家里吵架都不准大声吵,我就会听见的!因为这儿 有个雷达,你们那个发电机一发,我这给你收来了,看你们谁吵架?所以任何人不要吵架,不要发大脾气,谁若发大脾气,就要在佛前跪着,跪三天。我不管你是 谁?要被罚,你若不听话那是更罪上加罪了,所以我希望你们各位都做一个好徒弟,不要给师父添很多麻烦,大家都做一个好孩子,不要做一个顽皮的孩子,不要做 个调皮的孩子,Okay,我今天把你们气的,我也没有话讲了。

You should know that as soon as a man and woman start to quarrel, it's as if there is a violent storm between heaven and earth. When people lose their tempers, it is like a violent storm. It is alright for there to be rain, but there should not be a violent storm. Violent storms blow down trees, devastate houses, and kill people, causing tremendous damage. A light, gentle rain does not do that. Therefore, if you get into an argument, keep it small. Don't let it become a major blow-up. Small arguments are all right, but don't let your teacher get wind of it. If your teacher hears of it, he will also get afflicted. When you argue at home, you're not allowed to argue too loudly, or else I will hear you! I have a radar, and it picks up your telegrams right away. Therefore, no one should bicker or lose his temper. Whoever loses his temper will be made to kneel for three days before the Buddhas. No matter who you are, that will be the penalty. If you don't go along, then your offenses will only be increased. I hope every one of you will be a good disciple and not give your teacher a lot of trouble. Be good children; don't be naughty and mischievous. Okay, I've made you all mad today, and I have nothing more to say.

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