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因地不真 果招纡曲 If Your Cultivation Is Not Straight, the Results Will Be Crooked
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因地不真 果招纡曲

If Your Cultivation Is Not Straight, the Results Will Be Crooked


Cultivators must pay attention to cause and effect at all times. Don't make mistakes in cause and effect.


“If your cultivation is not true, the result will be suffering.” Whatever you do should be done honestly. If you plot and scheme to cheat people, you are simply fooling yourself. If you intend to deceive people, you will fall into the hells in the future whether you are a Bhikshu, a Bhikshuni, an Upasaka, an Upasika, or a Lama. If you aren't straight in your cultivation, the results will be crooked, and your future retribution will surely be bitter.


People at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas must pay attention to cause and effect at all times. Don't make mistakes in cause and effect. If you deliberately break the rules, the retribution is very severe. Everyone should be extremely careful not to make mistakes in cause and effect!


A talk given on the evening of July 8, 1983

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