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自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第二篇 走在正道上 Walking on the Path 荐言 Recommendations
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There are two kinds of thought.

The thought that comes in a flash then goes away. This kind of thought brings anger, greed or delusion. The second kind is the thought that we deliberately think. This one does not bring anger, greed or delusion, because we intend to think with mindful-knowledge.


In this method, do not try to suppress thoughts. Let thoughts arise naturally. The more thoughts arise, the more we are aware. Some people feel annoyed with the distractions and worried that there is no Samādhi (Meditation). This is a misunderstanding. Distraction is a good thing because the more thoughts arise, the more we are aware. Keep on cultivating self-awareness earnestly, but do not concentrate.


When thoughts arise, do not suppress them but detach from by being aware of the bodily movements. Self-awareness will replace the “unawareness”.


Observing thought is the most important thing, which most people ignore. When thought arises, we begin to criticize or make comment on it. This means that we “get into” thought. It is not “letting go” of thought. It is “knowing” thought, not “seeing” thought.


If we keep observing thoughts without any bodily movement, when thoughts arise, we will “get into” them easily. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the bodily movements. When thought arises, we will see, we will know.

如果我们静坐而没有任何身体的动作,妄念一起就陷入了妄念,虽然知道它是妄念,但无法出离妄念。一方面因为没有任何东西可以所缘,所以我们才用色(身)的动作来修行,色(身)要时常动,并以觉性觉知色(身)的动作,一旦念头生起,我们方能看见、知道 。

Whenever we see ghosts, deities, Buddha images, crystal balls or even the Lord Buddha, that is not true seeing. It happens because the mind wanders away. We do not see the thought so the mind concocts by itself. It concocts because we do not see “the source of thoughts”.


When thought arises without our seeing, it will conjure up ghosts, colors, lights, deities, hell or heaven. Whatever it is, we will see it as such. It is an illusion. It is the mind’s trick.


The seeing is true. What is seen is not true, so it cannot free the mind. Only if we see realities, the mind will be free from suffering.


This is the shortest Path; when thought arises, be aware of it immediately. This is the authentic Dhamma Practice. Doing the rhythmic movement is only the technique (which can help to see thought).


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上一篇:自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第三篇 障碍及解决之道 Part Three Obstacles and Solutions 紧张、晕眩、窒闷 Strain, Dizziness, Giddiness
下一篇:自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第二篇 走在正道上 Walking on the Path 看见念头—见心性 Seeing Thought-Mind Stage
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