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150.继祖灯打禅七 Continuing the lamp of the Patriarchs and holding a dhyana session
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Continuing the lamp of the Patriarchs and holding a dhyana session

The Master saw that the Way of the Patriarchs was declining and that the tradition and repute of the dhyana school was shaky. In an attempt to revitalize the Ch'an school, after the transmission of the precepts a forty-nine day dhyana meditation session was convened, during which the proper demeanor while sitting, as well as during the ceremonies of the formal meal offering, was emphasized. Awesome comportment was stressed, as well as strict adherence to monastic rules. In time, from precepts grows samadhi, and from samadhi is developed wisdom. The Master caused the lamp of the Buddhas and Patriarchs to shine forever, and the Dharma water of the Bodhisattvas to overflow to the very bounds of the future.

The gatha says:
In the Great Shurangama Concentration is a miraculous dharani.
Dhyana samadhi is without mentation.
If asked to point out directly the meaning coming from the West,
Just the place where the mad mind stops is itself enlightenment.

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上一篇:151.根源协统毁佛寺 Facing danger when Commander Ken Yuan begins to destroy Buddhist Monasteries
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