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170.赴香港传鼓山 Going to Hong Kong and Ku Mountain
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Going to Hong Kong and Ku22 Mountain

The bell tower for the dead and other construction projects were completed in 1927, the Master's eighty-eighth year. The following year, in order to raise money for the making of Buddha images, the Master went to Hong Kong accompanied by Upasaka Wang Chiu Ling. At that time, Ch'en Chen Ju, head of the Kuangtung Provincial Government, sent his representative to escort the Master to Canton. They passed by Pai Yun (White Cloud) Mountain, and later, Ch'en urged the Master to stay and assume Abbotship of Nan Hua Monastery23, to restore the famous Bodhimanda at Ts'ao Hsi (Creek). The Master declined, and returned to Drum Mountain in Fukien Province where he lectured a sutra. When it was completed, he bowed to the Buddha's sharira at King Ashoka Temple and made a pilgrimage to P'u T'ou (Potala) Mountain.

The gatha says:
In order to set up wholesome conditions he crossed the mountains and rivers,
Universally causing everyone to sow the field of blessings.
By nurturing such affinities, beings can reap the fruit of no outflows.
If we miss this opportunity when it presents itself, it will be difficult to encounter in ten thousand kalpas.

22. "Drum"
23. The monastery of the Venerable Master Hui Neng, the Sixth Patriarch in China.

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 人生之路何去何从 第一篇 堪忍阎浮 7 八苦 4 死苦[栏目:人生之路·宽运法师]



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