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平常心 Normality - 毘婆舍那与平静 Vipassana and Peace
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Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道

2-2-1. Practicing Dhamma 修习佛法

2-2-1-1. Vipassana and Peace毘婆舍那与平静

(Vipassana 毘婆舍那)

In practicing Dhamma, even though one may practice various methods for a long time, if one doesn't perceive that point where the mind is manifesting, one still doesn't understand. One still doesn't understand the main principle of practice according to the teachings of the Buddha. The Buddha said that He was Enlightened because He worked with the mind, practiced with the mind. But most of us just make merit and give offerings in order to chase off suffering. We haven't yet practiced by following the Buddha's style.


The Buddha once taught that the results of making merit a hundred or a thousand times are less than is gained by keeping the precepts even once, the results of keeping precepts a hundred or a thousand times are less than making the mind peaceful through practicing tranquility-meditation once, and the results of making the mind peaceful through practicing tranquility-meditation a hundred or a thousand times are less than practicing insight-meditation once. What does insight mean?


Insight means to clearly and truly see in a way that is different from one's original way of seeing. Different because the original way of seeing is a state that doesn't know, see and understand clearly. Briefly stated, the mind is muddled up. Doing Vipassana means to be aware. Being aware is very fruitful. The Buddha practiced Dhamma through being aware, and so became Enlightened.


(Peace 平静)

Most of us understand that in order to be an Arahant, we have to do tranquility-meditation and make the mind peaceful. In reality, there are two kinds of peace, namely, peace that is like being inside a cave and peace that is like being outside a cave.

我们大多数人都了解,要成为一个阿罗汉,我们必须修学止禅使心平静下来。但实际上,有两种平静,亦即:1. 在洞穴内的平静 2. 在洞穴外的平静。

Peace inside a cave means it is just as though we're in a cave or we're in the dark, dark room. When we light a fire, the darkness disappears and light come to take its place; but as soon as the fire goes out, the darkness come back again. Even when we've made a fire and there's light, we're still in the cave and we still can't see the shape of the cave. We only just see certain things inside the cave. Peace inside a cave is therefore called peace under the influence of Moha, a ‘not-knowing’ kind of peace, or even a ‘not-wanting-to-know’ kind of peace. That some people go and sit to make their minds peaceful, understanding that they're developing insight – this is so, but it's a deluded kind of truth.


As for peace outside a cave, it's just like being outside a cave, but it's not dark. There's no need to make a fire, and we're able to know and see what the shape of the cave is like. This may be likened to peace that is without delusion, i.e., peace due to the absence of defilements. There is no Lobha, Dosa, or Moha. In order to achieve this kind of peace, we have to realize and truly see first. Seeing truly and clearly is called insight. Insight is to realize and truly see according to reality. Peace outside the cave is therefore called a ‘knowing’ kind of peace. One is peaceful because one knows.


I want to shake up and warn all of you that developing insight has many obstacles. If we don't know, we'll go wrong; but when we see, know and understand, we can solve the problems.


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