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当前栏目:[百喻经 The Hundred Parables Sutra]文集

 百喻经 1 愚人食盐喻 The Stupid Man and The Salt 阅读:4092
 百喻经 2 愚人集牛乳喻 The Stupid Man Tries To Store Up Milk 阅读:3328
 百喻经 3 以梨打头破喻 The Pears and The Broken Head 阅读:2537
 百喻经 4 妇诈称死喻 The Wife Plays Dead 阅读:2334
 百喻经 5 渴见水喻 Seeing Water and Getting Thristy 阅读:2434
 百喻经 6 子死欲停置家中喻 The Dead Son Remains in the House 阅读:2330
 百喻经 7 认人为兄喻 Claiming Another as One’s Elder Brother 阅读:2508
 百喻经 8 山羗偷官库衣喻 The Rustic Steals from the Palace Treasury 阅读:2588
 百喻经 9 叹父德行喻 Praising the Father’s Virtuous Conduct 阅读:2231
 百喻经 10 三重楼喻 The Three-Storied House 阅读:2418
 百喻经 11 婆罗门杀子喻 The Brahman Kills His Own Son 阅读:2297
 百喻经 12 煮黑石蜜浆喻 The Boiled Black Rock - Honey Syrup 阅读:2430
 百喻经 13 说人喜瞋喻 Commenting On SomeoneS Quick Temper 阅读:2541
 百喻经 14 杀商主祀天喻 Offering The Guide Up As Sacrifice To God 阅读:2202
 百喻经 15 医与王女药令卒长大喻 The Physician Prescribes A Drug For The Princess 阅读:2296
 百喻经 16 灌甘蔗喻 Watering with Sugar 阅读:2634
 百喻经 17 债半钱喻 The half-Cent Debt 阅读:2180
 百喻经 18 就楼磨刀喻 Sharpening the Knife Upstairs 阅读:2136
 百喻经 19 乘船失釪喻 Loss Of A Silver Bowl By Boat 阅读:2028
 百喻经 20 人说王纵暴喻 The King Was Said to Have Been Recklessly Cruel 阅读:2138

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