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百喻经 17 债半钱喻 The half-Cent Debt
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17 The half-Cent Debt


In bygone times a certain merchant loaned out a half cent and for a long time didn’t get it back. Finally, he decided to visit his debtor and demand repayment of the loan. On his way, he came upon a great river and had to pay two cents ferry fare to get across. When he reached his debtor’s house, he found out that he wasn’t there. On his return home, this man had to cross the river again, and he paid another two cents for the ferry fare.

And so, for a “half a cent” debt, he ended up losing four cents, not to speak of the extreme tiredness he felt from his journey. The debt was small; the loss was significant.

People of the world are also like this. For the sake of a little fame or gain, they think nothing of ruining their great conduct. They care only for the survival of their own persons and disregard what is righteous and proper. In this present life they earn a bad name; in the future they will reap a bitter retribution.







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