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百喻经 21 妇女欲更求子喻 The Woman Who Wished For A Second Child
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21 The Woman Who Wished For A Second Child


In the past, there was a woman who had a son. She wanted another child, and asked other women, “Who could bring me another child?”

An old woman told her, “I can help you get another child; but you must make a sacrifice to heaven.”

The woman asked the old woman, “What kind of sacrifice should I offer?”

The old woman told her, “Kill your son and make a sacrifice of his blood to heaven. Then you will certainly be blessed with many more children.”

The woman followed the old woman’s advice and was about to kill her own son when an intelligent bystander laughed and chastised her, saying, “How could you be so stupid and ignorant?” You’re not sure whether you will get another child; yet you intend to kill the one you already have.”

Stupid people act in the same way. Desiring the bliss of a future, they leap into a fiery pit, exposing themselves to all sorts of harm, thinking that this is the way to attain rebirth in the heavens.


过去有个女人,已有了一个儿子,还想要一个,就问其他女人:「谁能使我再有一个儿子?」 一位老太婆对这女人道:「我能使你实现求子的愿望,需要祭祀天神。」她问道:「需用何物来祭祀呢?」老太婆说道:「杀了你的儿子,拿他的血来祭祀天神,必定能有很多儿子。」这女人当时就听从了她的话,要杀自己的儿子。傍边一位聪明人嗤笑骂詈道:「你愚痴无知到了这般地步!还没有生出来的儿子,都还不知究竟能不能得?却想杀掉眼前的儿子。」







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