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百喻经 23 贼偷锦绣用裹氀褐喻 The Thief Who Stole Embroidered Satin To Wrap His Rags In
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23 The Thief Who Stole Embroidered Satin To Wrap His Rags In

23 贼偷锦绣用裹氀褐喻

Once, a thief entered the house of a rich family and stole a piece of embroidered satin. Then he used it to wrap up his old rags and sundry effects. He was scoffed at by the wise.

Stupid people of the world are like this, too. Although they bring forth faith in Buddhism and cultivate wholesome dharmas and meritorious acts; nonetheless, due to their greed for profit, they break the pure precepts and lose their merit. They will also be laughed at by those of the world.







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