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The Buddha’s Ministry
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Chapter 7

The Buddha’s Ministry

The Buddha’s successful ministry lasted 45 years. From His 35th year, the date of His Enlightenment, till His death in His 80th year, He served humanity both by example and precept, with no personal motive. Throughout the year He wandered from place to place, teaching the Dhamma to the people and liberating them from the bonds of Samsara. During the Rainy Season (Vassana-July to November) He lived in retirement, as was customary with all ascetics, owing to the incessant rains.

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上一篇:The First Twenty Years
下一篇:The Buddha and Devadatta
 The Five Monks
 The Conversion Of Yasa
 His Greatness
 The Mangala Sutta - Blessing
 His Last Convert
 His Conversion to Buddhism
 Ashokas Family
 The Third in Council
 Is Nibbána Nothingness?
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