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忘却了时间 Forget About Time
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Forget About Time


We tend to complicate our meditation. For example, when we sit, we may determine, "Yes, I'm really going to do it this time." But that is not the right attitude; nothing will be accomplished that day. Such grasping is natural at first. Some nights, when I would start to sit, I would think, "OK, tonight I won't get up from my seat until 1:00 A.M., at the earliest." But before long, my mind would start to kick and rebel until I felt that I would die. What is the point in that?


When you are sitting properly, there is no need to measure or compel. There is no goal, no point to attain. Whether you sit until 7:00 or 8:00 or 9:00 P.M., never mind. Just keep sitting without concern. Do not force yourself. Do not be compulsive. Do nut command your heart to do things for certain, for this command will make things all the less certain. Let your mind be at ease, let your breath be even, normal, not short or long or any special way. Let your body be comfortable. Practice steadily and continuously. Desire will ask you, "How late will we go? How long will we practice?" Just shout at it, "Hey, don't bother me!" Keep quelling it, because it is only defilement coming to disturb you. Just say, "If I want to stop early or late, it's not wrong; if I want to sit all night, who am I hurting? Why do you come and disturb me?" Cut off desire, and keep sitting in your own way. Let your heart be at ease, and you will become tranquil, free from the power of grasping.

  当你坐得正确时,就不需去衡量或强迫。禅坐是没有目标、没有可达到的境地的。不论你坐到晚上七点、八点或九点,都不要紧,只要无 碍地坐就好。不要去强迫你自己,不要去强制,不要去命令你的心一定要去做某些事,因为这个命令反会造成事情更不一定。让你的心放轻松,让你的呼吸均匀、正常、不短也不长、也不特别;让你的身体轻松自在。稳定而持续地修行。欲望会问你:“我们要坐多晚?我们要修行多久?”只要对它喊:“嘿,别千扰我!”不断地对治它,因为来干扰你的只是烦恼罢了。只要说:“如果我早或晚停止修行,都没有错;如果我要坐整夜,我又伤害到谁?你们为何要来千扰我呢?”斩断欲望吧!然後继续保持你的方向,让你的心处於安定中,那 ,你就会平静下来了──解脱了执取的力量。

Some people sit in front of a lighted incense stick and vow to sit until it has burned down. Then they keep peeking to see how far it has burned, constantly concerned with the time. "Is it over yet?" they ask. Or they vow to push beyond or die, and then feel terribly guilty when they stop only one hour later. These people are controlled by desire.


Do not pay attention to the time. Just maintain your practice at a steady pace, letting it progress gradually. You do not need to make vows. Just keep striving to train yourself, just do your practice and let the mind become calm of itself. Eventually, you will find that you can sit a long time at your ease, practicing correctly.


As to pain in the legs, you will find that it goes away by itself. Just stay with your contemplation.


If you practice in this way, a change will take place in you. When you go to sleep, you will be able to settle your mind into calmness and sleep. Formerly, you may have snored, talked in your sleep, gnashed your teeth, or tossed and turned. Once your heart has been trained, all of that will vanish. Although you will sleep soundly, you will awaken refreshed instead of sleepy. The body will rest, but the mind will be awake day and night. This is Buddho, the one who knows, the Awakened One, the Happy One, the Brilliant One. This one does not sleep, does not feel drowsy. If you make your heart and mind firm like this in your practice, you may not sleep for two or three days, and when you get sleepy, you can enter samadhi for five or ten minutes and arise refreshed, as if you had slept all night long. At this point, you need not think about your body, although with compassion and understanding, you will still consider its needs.


{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

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