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当前栏目:[Jataka Tales of the Buddha]文集

 Crossing the Wilderness 阅读:1593
 The Traders of Seriva 阅读:1586
 The Goat That Laughed and Wept 阅读:1649
 The Straw Worth More Than Gold 阅读:1689
 The Miserly Treasurer 阅读:1605
 The Queens Necklace 阅读:1928
 The Fifth Precept 阅读:1716
 A Good Friend 阅读:1884
 The Sound the Hare Heard 阅读:1522
 The Great Monkey King 阅读:1820
 The Sixteen Dreams 阅读:1687
 The Virtuous Wife 阅读:1833
 The Jackals Judgment 阅读:1645
 The Case of the Hollow Canes 阅读:1875
 The Baby Quail 阅读:1671
 Prince Five-weapons 阅读:1760
 The Elephant Who Saved a Kingdom 阅读:1690

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