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当前栏目:[佛教文章·中英文双语阅读 Buddhist Article · Bilingual Reading]文集

 为什么要禅修 Why Meditate? 阅读:1951
 慧语莲灯 Words of wisdom - Lotus lamp 阅读:2505
 为何我们生于此?Why Are We Here? 阅读:2824
 证严法师静思语 Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen 阅读:9508
 静止的流水 Still, Flowing Water 阅读:2498
 『坛城』的原理:明觉心的境 Mandala Principle: The Sphere of Awareness 阅读:2054
 禅诗 Zen Poems 阅读:4080
 禅宗语录 Zen Sayings 阅读:3338
 大龟王(佛陀本生故事)The Giant Turtle 阅读:3748
 悬命的蜘蛛丝 Spider Thread 阅读:2172
 平常心-行道 Normality-Walking The Path 阅读:2199
 人身难得 It is Extraordinary to be a Human 阅读:3671
 如莲花似地生活在世间 Living in the World like a Lotus Flower 阅读:1966
 人身的可贵 Priceless of Human Being 阅读:1956
 八关斋戒 The Eight Precepts 阅读:5431
 静思语 Jing-Si Aphorism 阅读:8378
 禅定能治心脏病吗?Can Meditation Curb Heart Attacks? 阅读:3001
 禅定帮助我们做出正确的决定 Meditation helps us take wise decisions 阅读:2414
 正念帮助我们解决生活问题 Mindfulness helps us deal with our life 阅读:2444
 佛教生活方式越来越流行 Buddhist lifestyle becoming more popular 阅读:2535

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