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当前栏目:[佛教徒信仰的是什么 What Buddhists Believe?]文集

 第七章 人类的道德基础 Chapter 7 Moral Foundation For Mankind 阅读:1546
 了解生命真正的目的 Understanding the nature of life 阅读:1716
 宗教的需求 The need for a religion 阅读:1613
 生命的真相 Realization 阅读:1639
 佛教为广大社群而存在 Buddhism for man in Society 阅读:1713
 佛教徒的家庭生活 The Buddhist Way of Life for Householders 阅读:1670
 第八章 佛教的道德规范与修持 Chapter 8 Buddhist Morality and Practice 阅读:1662
 佛教的道德价值奠基于意图与意志力 Buddhist ethics are based on intention or volition 阅读:1723
 戒律 What is Vinaya? 阅读:2036
 僧团的发展 Development of Sangha Community 阅读:1528
 社会的变动 Changing Society 阅读:1552
 僧人的品德 Characteristic of a Monk 阅读:1568
 十善 Ten Meritorious Deeds 阅读:1851
 十恶 Ten Evil Deeds 阅读:2211
 持戒 Precepts 阅读:1524
 五戒 Five Precepts 阅读:2382
 八戒 Eight Precepts 阅读:1990
 慈悲心 Loving-Kindness 阅读:1727
 布施 Real Charity 阅读:1553
 佛教对动物生命的态度 The Buddhist Attitude to Animal Life 阅读:1700

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