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当前栏目:[佛教徒信仰的是什么 What Buddhists Believe?]文集

 第五章 佛学基础 Chapter 5 Basic Doctrines Tri-Pitaka (or Tipitaka) 阅读:2714
 阿毗达摩 What is Abhidhamma? 阅读:2652
 心和物(名与色) Mind and Matter(Nama-Rupa) 阅读:2087
 四圣谛 Four Noble Truths 阅读:4438
 八圣道-中道 The Noble Eightfold Path? The Middle Way 阅读:2968
 八圣道的生活 Righteous Life 阅读:1869
 万物无常 Everything is Changeable 阅读:1991
 业力 What is Kamma? 阅读:2308
 轮回 Rebirth 阅读:2132
 涅槃 Nibbana 阅读:2178
 涅槃与轮回 Nibbana and Samsara 阅读:2144
 缘起法 Law of Dependent Origination 阅读:3029
 常见与断见 Eternalism and Nihilism 阅读:2306
 能知道第一因吗 Can the First Cause be Known? 阅读:1997
 不灭的灵魂存在吗 Is there an Eternal Soul? 阅读:1829
 无我论 Anatta: The Teaching of No-Soul 阅读:2243
 第六章 佛教与其它思想 Chapter 6 Buddhism Vis-A-Vis Other Approaches 阅读:1636
 佛教与哲学 Is Buddhism a Theory or a Philosophy? 阅读:1744
 佛教与悲观主义 Is Buddhism Pessimistic? 阅读:1709
 佛教与无神论 Is Buddhism Atheistic? 阅读:1819

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