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当前栏目:[念佛四十八法 A Guide to Pure Land Practice]文集

 念佛四十八法 Taming The Monkey Mind - A Guide to Pure Land Practice - Preface 阅读:2534
 念佛四十八法 1) 护意根持名 Buddha Recitation and the Mind 阅读:2261
 念佛四十八法 2) 戒口业持名 Watch the Mouth during Buddha Recitation 阅读:1881
 念佛四十八法 3) 端身持名 Regulating the Body during Buddha Recitation 阅读:1774
 念佛四十八法 4) 过珠持名 Buddha Recitation with a Rosary 阅读:1718
 念佛四十八法 5) 高声持名 Reciting Aloud 阅读:1733
 念佛四十八法 6) 低声持名 Buddha Recitation in a Low Voice 阅读:1743
 念佛四十八法 7) 金刚持名 Diamond Recitation 阅读:1971
 念佛四十八法 8) 默然持名 Silent recitation 阅读:2136
 念佛四十八法 9) 调息持名 Regulating the Breath 阅读:1862
 念佛四十八法 10) 随分持名 Reciting in Accordance with Individual Circum-stances 阅读:1780
 念佛四十八法 10) 随分持名 Reciting in Accordance with Individual Circum-stances 阅读:1698
 念佛四十八法 11) 到处持名 Buddha recitation Can Be Practiced Anywhere 阅读:1850
 念佛四十八法 12) 有定无定持名 Fixed Periods of Buddha Recitation 阅读:1785
 念佛四十八法 13) 对像离像持名 Facing an Image or not, during Buddha Recitation 阅读:1649
 念佛四十八法 14) 忙中持名 Buddha Recitation While Otherwise Occupied 阅读:1737
 念佛四十八法 15) 闲中持名 Buddha Recitation During Periods of Leisure 阅读:1778
 念佛四十八法 16) 尊贵持名 Practicing Buddha Recitation When Rich and Renowned 阅读:2032
 念佛四十八法 17) 卑贱持名 The Poor Should Also Recite the Buddha’s Name 阅读:1683
 念佛四十八法 18) 静细持名 Pure Buddha Recitation 阅读:1961

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