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念佛四十八法 18) 静细持名 Pure Buddha Recitation
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18) 静细持名

Pure Buddha Recitation

A wise man should not let himself be misled. He should recite the Buddha’s name in a pure way so as to strengthen his wisdom.

You should know that if a wise person recites the Buddha’s name, many others will fo low his lead and those who have erred in their practice will find it easier to return to the Buddha’s way. Why? It is because the reputation of a wise person can open the minds of lesser mortals. Moreover, through his wisdom, he can find ways to rescue them.

既有智慧,勿令入狂,最宜静细念佛以坚固之,当知智慧人念佛,则天下之念佛者必多;智慧人念佛,则外道之修行者易返。何以故?有智慧之声名以启之,有智慧之作 用以救之也。


The actions of a wise person can have a beneficial influence on those with lesser capacities or those lacking in wisdom – as long as such actions are performed with good intentions. Therefore, a wise person should be worthy of that trust and not be led astray by deluded or v ile actions based on greed or lust. An influential person who cultivates Buddha Recitation will have a beneficial effect upon those around him.

Thanks to his skills and intelligence, augmented by the confidence of those around him, he is able to accomplish meritorious deeds which can influence everyday human behavior and values. To perform a modest act while achieving major results is something we all desire. Nevertheless, many wise and intelligent people who have the opportunity to benefit humanity refuse to act, or if they act, do so in a perfunctory way. How regrettable!

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