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念佛四十八法 13) 对像离像持名 Facing an Image or not, during Buddha Recitation
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13) 对像离像持名

Facing an Image or not, during Buddha Recitation

When facing a statue of the Buddha, consider it as a real Buddha. There is no need to get attached to any particular direction or to any of the Three Bodies of the Buddha.(9) You should think thus: I must achieve single-mindedness, and that singlemindedness must be about the Buddha. My eyes should be focused on the Buddha’s image, my mind should recite the Buddha’s name with utmost sincerity – with utmost sincerity, a response is guaranteed.

If you do not have a statue, just sit straight facing west. As soon as you begin reciting, visualize the Buddha’s light shining on your head, recitation fo lowing recitation without a break. If you practice this way, even the heaviest karma can be dissipated.

对像时,即以此像为真佛,不拘一方,不问三身,但思我止一心,心止一佛,面对感 念,诚敬可知,诚敬之至,必邀灵感。若无佛像时,端坐宜向西方,起心动念时,当 念阿弥陀佛光明住我顶上,字字句句,自不落空,黑业自能消灭也。


Practitioners of limited capacities, who cannot yet visualize “this M ind is the Buddha”, should use the expedient of facing a Buddha image and “moved by the image, develop a pure m ind”. The important thing is to be utterly sincere, because only with utmost sincerity can we “touch” the Buddha and receive a response.

This method has been clearly explained and there is no need for lengthy comments. The practitioner should read the above passage closely and fo low its teachings. Ev il karma will then disappear and the Buddha Mind will manifest itself.

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