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百喻经 7 认人为兄喻 Claiming Another as One’s Elder Brother
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7 Claiming Another as One’s Elder Brother


Long ago there was a man, both handsome and wise. He was also wealthy and of good repute. Seeing this, another man claimed that man to be his elder brother. He did this, of course, because he wanted access to his money. Then, when the wealthy man went into debt, the man denied that he was his elder brother. A bystander said, “You are a stupid man. Why did you call him your elder brother when you needed the money and then deny this when he went into debt?”

The stupid man replied, “When I want some of his money, I say he is my elder brother, but he is not really my brother. So when he is in debt, I admit he is not my brother.”

Hearing this, there were none who did not laugh.

This is like those of externalist ways who hearing the Buddha’s good words, greedily usurp them, and take them as their own. When people try to teach those externalists to cultivate; however, they want no part of it. Instead they protest, “Those teachings were spoken out of a desire for profit. There is really nothing to those teachings. What need is there to cultivate?” They are like the stupid man who called another his elder brother in order to get his money and then denied it later when the man went into debt.











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