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【Chinese-English · Bilingual Reading 基础读物】
Dhammapada(法句经 · 中英对照) | What Buddhists Believe?(佛教徒信仰的是什么) | The Hundred Parables Sutra(百喻经) | What Buddha Taught(佛陀的启示) | The Gospel of Buddha(佛陀的福音·节录) | Footprints on the Journey(旅途脚印·索达吉堪布)
【Chinese-English · Bilingual Reading 南传读物】
Mindfulness In Plain English(佛教禅修直解) | Buddha-Dhamma for Students(一问一智慧) | A Tree in a Forest(森林里的一棵树) | A Still Forest Pool(宁静的森林水池) | No Ajahn Chah(何来阿姜查·语录) | A Heart Released(解脱心) | The Prison of Life(生命之囚) | Normality(平常心·隆波田禅师) | The Gracious Flow of Dharma(慈悲的法流) | The Insight Developing Teaching(致觉知者·隆波田禅师) | A Discourse on the Mālukyaputta Sutta(摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多) | Manual of Mindfulness of Breathing(安那般那手册·马哈希西亚多) | Manual of Self-Awareness(自觉手册·隆波田禅师) | An Interview with Mahasi Sayadaw(马哈希尊者访谈) | The Path to Arahantship(阿罗汉向·阿罗汉果)
【Chinese-English · Bilingual Reading 汉传读物】
Buddhist Sutras · Bilingual Reading (佛教经典 · 双语阅读) | Basic Methods of Investigating Chan(初步参禅的方法) | Standards for Students(弟子规浅释) | The Intention of Patriarch Bodhidharma's Coming from the West (达摩祖师西来意) | Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks(宣化老和尚开示) | The Story About Free Captive Animals(放生故事) | Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun(虚云老和尚传) | A Guide to Pure Land Practice(念佛四十八法) | Great Compassion Mantra Verses(大悲咒句偈)
【Chinese-English · Bilingual Reading 综合阅读】
Buddhist Article · Bilingual Reading (佛教文章)



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