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法无定法,说无定说 The Dharma Is Not Fixed And There is No Fixed Way To Expound It
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The Dharma Is Not Fixed And There is No Fixed Way To Expound It
钟鼎 记录 Transcribed by Jung Ding
  Venerable Master Hua's Talk on April 4, 1993 at Long Beach Sagely Monastery
"All conditioned dharmas are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows, like dew and like lightning. You should contemplate them thus." Today some Dharma Protectors have requested the monk to ascend the Dharma seat to speak the Dharma. The Dharma is not fixed, and there is no fixed way to expound it. Even the Dharma should be renounced; how much the more that which is not Dharma?
It is also said, "If one sees all appearances as non-appearances, one sees the Thus Come One." Non-appearances means they are false, not real. You should understand that all appearances are illusory and false. Wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep are illusory, impermanent things that intoxicate people so they cannot be liberated. This is all because they attach to false appearances and forget about the real. Once they forget the real, they are not free and at ease. If you can see through false appearances, the true appearance will manifest. You will then understand the truth and have genuine wisdom. If you can be like this, then you will greatly benefit Buddhism and gain great benefit and joy yourself. And you should be a pioneer who has no peer among those who come before and after you. Therefore, Dharma-protecting laypeople, all you have to do is break through ignorance and cut off afflictions, and the Prajna-wisdom of the True Appearance will come forth of itself. Ignorance means being muddled and unaware, and doing upside-down things. Leading a befuddled life, you transmigrate in the six paths, never able to escape.
Dharma-protecting laypeople, do your best and courageously advance towards Buddhahood. When the flower opens, you will see the Buddha and realize the patience of non-birth. The saying goes, "I vow to be born in the western Pure Land, with the nine grades of lotus as parents; when the flower opens, I shall see the Buddha and become enlightened to non-birth, and irreversible Bodhisattvas shall be my companions."

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