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修行人要立冲天之志 A Cultivator Should Make a Roaring Resolve
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A Cultivator Should Make a Roaring Resolve
The Ven. Master's Talk to the Newly Ordained Bhikshunis
September 11, 1992.
恒实法师记录 Recorded by D.M. Sure
Congratulations to you new Bhikshunis. You have already manifested the appearance of Bhikshunis. You should recognize that your ability to leave the householder's life and become Sangha members results from causes and conditions planted down in limitless eons in the past. Now you should continue to advance and become Buddhas. Do not retreat.
This is said to be the time of the Dharma's Demise. What does this mean? They say the Buddhadharma is about to disappear. Why is that? It could disappear because there are no real cultivators to keep the Dharma alive. Thus the state of the Dharma falls lower and lower each day. Since you have become Bhikshunis, you should now make vows and be clear about your purpose. You have come to increase the light of the proper Dharma a bit, and to infuse this world with a bit more proper energy. You have come to serve the Buddha as filial children. If in the Proper Dharma Age, everyone refuses to cultivate, then that good era becomes the Dharma's Ending Age.
People propagate the Dharma, it's not the Dharma that propagates people!
Our job is to act as strong and courageous heroes, servants to the Buddha, people who boost the brightness of the light of the Dharma. Don't see only what's before your eyes and feel satisfied with that much. Look at the world from the standpoint of the Buddhadharma as a whole. Bring forth the great Bodhi-resolve, and know that the real cultivation is found in not fighting, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not benefitting the self, and not telling lies. If you can resolutely uphold these six guidelines, then you will be a true son or daughter of the Buddhas. If you go against these six roads of bright light, then you will not be able to help Buddhism.
After you receive the precepts, you should all make progress, and advance. Do not retreat. Don't just flow along with the common lot, and become "thieves among the virtuous." This is my wish for you today on this auspicious day. Work hard!

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