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断根 Cutting the Root
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Cutting the Root


Jetsun Mila once imparted a song of realization to his disciple Repa Shiwa:

My son, should you sincerely want to practice the Dharma, arouse strong faith from the depths of your heart, and never cherish the affairs of this life.
Should you want to follow me to practice, recognize friends and relatives are Mara’s net; so you should remove these hindrances.
Food and possessions are Mara’s minions; abandon these evil old companions of yours.
Sensual pleasure and enjoyment are Mara’s chains; so you should eliminate these fetters.
Intimate buddies and good friends are Mara’s daughters; be sure to guard against their temptations.
Native land and hometown are hellish prisons; quickly run away from being incarcerated.
Giving up everything you must at the time of death; now is the best time to leave them behind.
If you listen to me and do the practices, my son, you are connected to the supreme Dharma!


The great Kadampa master Dapo Rinpoche (Sonam Rinchen) attained a high level of accomplishment; when in deep Samadhi, he could remain immobile for 10 days straight. He strongly emphasized actual practice and once said: “Appearances are as unreliable as evil-doers; this illusory body, on loan to us, is easily lost. Wealth, flimsy and deceiving, causes suffering; hometown, a demonic prison, entraps you to no end. Those who enjoy drifting in the rounds of samsara should cut samsara’s lifeblood and root—self-attachment.” To be freed from suffering, to demolish obstacles and attain liberation, the only recourse is to sever the grasping to samsara.


Zen master Dao Lin of the Tang Dynasty often practiced meditation up in a pine tree and was known as the “Bird Nest Zen Master.” Poet Bai Juyi once paid him a visit out of admiration. Seeing the master living high up in the tree, he said: “Master, the place where you are living is quite dangerous!” The Bird Nest Zen Master replied: “The way I see it, Sir, it is you who are in danger!”


Perplexed, Bai Juyi asked: “I am an official in the royal court, why am I in danger?”


The Bird Nest Zen Master replied: “People in the secular world, driven by karma, harm each other continuously; they take turns avenging one another and breed endless afflictions. Aren’t these situations dangerous?”


This simple answer rendered Bai Juyi dumbfounded.


It’s so true! Ordinary people are always toiling for fame and wealth; they are constantly confused and worried. Aren’t they living in an invisible prison or in the devil’s web? Couldn’t it be said that they are in grave danger?


Hurry! Run away from this dangerous place!


26th of January, Year of RenWu
March 9, 2002

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