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离世 Bidding Farewell
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Bidding Farewell


The gorgeous flowers outside the window, having unabashedly showed off in spring, are now withering. Fallen petals, scattering and flying around like snowflakes, are reduced to mud under the wheels or crushed to dust when stepped on. So ephemeral are all the beauties in this world, fleeting ever so swiftly; in a wink, an instant or a flash—they are gone. Just as the withering of spring blossoms or the falling of autumn foliage betrays the impermanence of the universe, so the fading of a pretty face or the blanching of black hair tells the tale of the impermanence of human life.


If we fail to see the impermanence of our own death through the truth that Mother Nature reveals, we are likely to squander our precious human existence, which is as ephemeral as a dewdrop or a flash of lightning. Bound by the rope of delusion, we hoard wealth, possession, friends, and relatives, while making no preparation for death whatsoever. When suddenly confronted with the final moment, we are likely to make fools of ourselves in all sorts of ludicrous ways. Two good examples are Jiansheng Yan in The Scholars (Rulin Waishi) and Grandet in Eugenie Grandet, the former of which died with everlasting regret of having lit one too many oil lamps.


The Buddha has shown us 84,000 ways how to make the best use of our life and how to die prepared. As all roads lead to Rome, we need only to pick one and practice it consistently and diligently.


Life and death, samsara and nirvana are all equal. Buddhas are not produced and do not perish, and beings’ minds are no different from the Buddha. If one can realize this and remain unmoved in the absolute reality, have every thought complying with the Dharma, and observe the nature of the mind in thusness, then, one can overcome the torrents of cyclic existence, completely eradicate delusion, and attain ultimate liberation.


The meditation level mentioned above may not be within the reach of ordinary people. For them, Mipham Rinpoche left a profound instruction: “For those who have not yet attained a high state of meditation, simply by thinking of Buddha Shakyamuni once, they will also be reborn to the Pure Land of Great Bliss.” Therefore, at the time of death, praying to Buddha Shakyamuni or Amitabha Buddha with unwavering faith can ensure you a rebirth to the Pure Land. However, strong clinging to possessions or loved ones will make you fall short of success at the last stage, despite years of mantra recitation.


19th of April, Year of RenWu
May 30, 2002

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 言行 Words and Conduct
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 二利 Two Benefits
 舍众 Abandoning Beings
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