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发愿 Making Vows
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Making Vows


We ought to make pure vows at all times, especially the vows to never be separated from the Dharma in all of our lives.


It says in The Sutra on Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala: “Then Queen Srimala in the presence of the Lord formed three great aspirations. What are the three aspirations? ‘Lord, by the merit I have accumulated from benefiting limitless beings through the blessings of the power of Truth, may I comprehend the Illustrious Doctrine in all my lives. Lord, this is my first vow. Lord, having obtained the comprehension of the Illustrious Doctrine, may I teach the Doctrine to sentient beings ever tirelessly and patiently. This is my second great aspiration. Lord, while teaching the Illustrious Doctrine, then, without regard to my body, life force, or possessions, may I seek to protect and uphold the Illustrious Doctrine. This is my third great aspiration.’

世尊于吉祥鬘天女所发之愿作此授记:‘天女,如同所有之色法均可容纳于虚空,天女,如此恒河沙诸菩萨之愿亦均可包括于此三大愿中,此三大愿行境极为广大。’吉祥鬘天女白世尊言:‘世尊,发此愿乃如来之加持力所致。’世尊曰:‘天女,如是。’ 吉祥鬘天女曰:‘世尊,恒河沙数所有之愿均可包括于受持妙法之大愿中,世尊,受持佛法之行境如此广大。’”

Then the Lord elucidated the great scope of Queen Srimala’s three great aspirations and prophesied: ‘Queen, for example, if all forms were to be collected together in the realm of space, it would hold them all and extend beyond. In the same way, when the aspirations of all the Bodhisattvas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges are taken together within the three great aspirations, those three great aspirations include them and extend beyond. The scope of these three vows is vast indeed.’ Queen Srimala replied: ‘It is due to the Tathagatha’s blessings that the aspirations come into existence.’ The Lord said: ‘Queen, just so.’ Queen Srimala said: ‘Lord, the aspirations as numerous as the sands of the Ganges are all collected and included in one great aspiration, namely, to embrace all the Illustrious Doctrine. Thus the scope of embracing Dharma is immensely great.’”


Anyone who wishes to make extraordinary aspirations should ponder deeply the meaning of Buddhist scriptures. It would be wonderful indeed. May I also uphold the Illustrious Doctrine in all my lives, come what may.


11th of May, Year of RenWu, by the Red Flag Bridge
June 21, 2002

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