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我如何控制脾气 How I Can Control My Temper
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How I Can Control My Temper
罗西恩 文
By Sean Robertson

I here are many ways to control my temper. One is I can work on relaxing and enjoying my life. When I feel my temper rising, I can count to ten, or I can take a deep breath and try to relax, then I can try to work things out with the person I’m angry with. If that doesn’t work, I can just walk away and calm down by myself. Taking a walk by myself or with my dog, and talking to myself, sometimes helps me to calm down so I can control my temper.


I can control my temper better if I don’t argue or talk back. If I do what I am told without arguing or talking back, it gets done faster and doesn’t cause a fight.


It's important not to get upset over small things; I call it “don’t sweat the small stuff.” By not sweating the small stuff, my temper stays under control.


It is also important to share with others and to be kind to others so they will share and be kind to me. When everyone is kind to each other, tempers stay under control. It is not kind to grab or take things from each other; being polite and considerate helps so nobody will lose their temper. When someone does grab or take something without asking, I can control my temper by not worrying about it, because they will just get tired of playing with it and return it soon anyway.



I think the most effective way to control my temper is to walk away and calm down, then come back and work things out.


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