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看你动不动心 Let’s see if your mind moves.
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Let’s see if your mind moves.


There is a saying in China, “One who is learned has no temper.” If you truly are a learned person, you will not flare up. Why do people have tempers? It is because they are not learned. If you have enough samadhi, then even if a place is supposed to be bad, you can influence it to become good.


I once told you, “As long as I am in San Francisco, I will not allow an earthquake to happen here.” For a person who does not understand Buddhism, this may sound impossible. However, a person who does understand Buddhism knows that if one has samadhi, no matter where one is, that place will be stable and will not experience calamities. We are now learning samadhi and if you really have samadhi, no matter where you are, that place will be peaceful. On the other hand, if you do not, then even if you go to a peaceful place, that place will not be peaceful for you. This is because your mind is moving.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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