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别小看这些事 Do Not Dismiss These Rules as Insignificant
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Do Not Dismiss These Rules as Insignificant


When everyone is sitting, if you fidget and make a lot of noise, disturbing others and distracting them from samadhi, or even getting up and running away, such behavior is against the rules. Once the period of silence has commenced, not only should we people not move, even Weituo Bodhisattva stands still and is not supposed to move. There is a saying, “I would rather move the waters in a thousand rivers than disturb the mind of a cultivator.” One can disturb the waters in a thousand rivers, but one should not attempt to disturb the mind of a cultivator. Thus, before the silence is broken, there should not be any noise. If it is unavoidable, you should walk gently and if you have to move any seats or cushions, take care not to make any noise. Do not dismiss any of these things as insignificant. If you are not mindful and disturb others and cause them not to get a response or prevent them from entering samadhi, that would be a very serious offense.


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上一篇:等着引磬响 Waiting for the Bell
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全文 标题
 大方广佛华严经讲记 第一二七九卷[栏目:大方广佛华严经讲记·第十三集]



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