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少恼 少欲 少病痛 Few Afflictions and Few Desires Means Few Illnesses
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少恼 少欲 少病痛

Few Afflictions and Few Desires Means Few Illnesses



What cultivators fear most is affliction. If you're not afflicted, you have fewer desires.

Afflictions produce desires, which in turn produce ignorance; ignorance leads to sickness.


What cultivators fear most is affliction. That's why we say, “I vow to put an end to my endless afflictions.”

Afflictions are an urgent matter that cultivators must attend to. If you can remain unafflicted no matter what happens, you have samadhi power. If you're not afflicted, you have fewer desires. Afflictions produce desires, which in turn produce ignorance; ignorance leads to sickness. You should be free of afflictions not only when no one is disturbing you, but even when people bother you, provoke you, or hit you. Then you truly have samadhi power.


A talk given on the evening of June 24, 1983,

at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

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