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圣严法师108自在语(第三集) 108 Adages of Wisdom, Part III
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108 Adages of Wisdom, Part III


Kind Behavior and Compassionate Vows

1 为为善恶在一念间,修修福慧于方寸中。

Doing good or doing bad is determined in one thought; blessings and wisdom are cultivated through one’s mind.

2 星星之火足以燎原,小小善愿能救世界。

A single spark can start a prairie fire, a tiny bit of good intention can save the world.

3 天地有作育大德,我岂无慈悲宏愿。

Heaven and earth support all sentient beings without condition, should I not share the same compassionate vows?

4 救度众生是提起,不住着相是放下。

Take on your responsibilty by delivering all sentient beings, let go of your attachment by not abiding in any form.

5 漫天红尘心勿染,遍地荆棘杖竹行。

Do not be corrupted by worldly vexations that surround one like dust, do not be deterred by a path beset with difficulties.

6 慈悲必春风化雨,智慧当日光普照。

Compassion brings blessings like a spring breeze; wisdom shines like the warm summer sun.

7 悲善拔苦慈予乐,智火灭罪慧断惑。

Kindness and compassion eliminate suffering and bring forth joy, wisdom eliminates wrongs and dispels false views.

8 有大智慧有大愿,无量福德无量寿。

Cultivate great wisdom and great vows and one shall gain infinite blessings and infinite life.

9 若见心中如来藏,三界火宅化红莲。

When one sees one’s own Buddha nature, the burning house that is our world turns into blooming lotus flowers.

10 应无所住而生其心,是入慈悲门。

Let your mind function freely, without abiding anywhere or in anything - this is entering the gate of kindness and compassion.

11 道心之中有施无畏。

In one’s resolve to pursue the Path lies the giving of fearlessness.

12 放下万缘时,众生一肩挑。

When one puts down all self-centered concerns, one can lift up the world.

13 安宁身心灵,安定家与业。

As you settle your body and mind, you are well on your way to settle your family and career as well.

14 南山老松早已衰老,北斗寿星尚甚年轻。

The ancient pine tree may be hundreds of years old, yet what is hundreds of years compared to the age of the stars in the sky?

15 神龙潜藏深潭大泽,猛虎高卧危崖险窟。

The mighty dragon travels in deep seas and vast swamps, the vigorous tiger rests near high cliffs and perilous caves, the able thrive in adversities.

16 佛法无他,只有壹味,自利利人的解脱味也。

The Buddhadharma is but one flavor - the flavor of liberation through benefiting oneself and others.

17 常念观音菩萨,心安就有平安。

Recite often the name of Guan Yin (Avalokitesavara) and you will find your way to a peaceful mind, a peaceful life.

18 朝山礼拜来修行,祈福消灾愿易成;口唱耳听心恭敬,三步一拜向前行;身心舒畅好感应,业消障除福慧增。

Go on a pilgrimage to improve your practice, prayers will be answered and vows will be fulfilled; be respectful, listen intently and sing wholeheartedly, prostrate yourself after every three steps; your body and mind will feel refreshed, karmic obstructions will be removed while blessings and wisdom increase.

19 一钵乞食千家饭,孤僧杖竹万里游;随缘应化莫拥有,缘毕放身撒两手。

Carrying a bowl filled with alms from a thousand households, I am a lone monk with a bamboo cane who has traveled ten thousand miles; knowing that all comes and goes according to causes and conditions, when causes and conditions dissipate I let go of what’s in both hands.

20 放下不等放弃,是为脱困,是为提起;要能放下才能提起,提放自如是自在人。

Letting go is not giving up, rather it helps one take on new challenges. One cannot take on anything without first letting go. One who can take on and let go of anything in peace is truly free.


Wisdom of the World

21 遇事正面解读逆向思考,成事确立方向锲而不舍。

Interpret everything positively, consider everything from a different angle, and do not falter in pursuing one’s goals.

22 路遇悬崖峭壁走过去,巧过人间仙境莫逗留。

Don’t be deterred by life’s trials and tribulations, don’t be corrupted by worldly pleasures and indulgence.

23 权势财富属社会共享,祸福苦乐乃各人因缘。

Share your power and wealth with all,but treat your joys and suffering as causes and conditions of your own.

24 诱以名利权位不动心,陷于千军万马无所惧。

When one is not tempted by money, power and fame, one has nothing to fear even when facing an army.

25 天不错地不错是心错,他有理你有理我没理。

When you are tempted to blame the enviroment, first look inward at your mind; when you are tempted to fault others, first reflect

26 莫怨孝子贤孙何其少,但问养育儿女怎 教。

Ask not why one has so few good sons and filial grandsons, ask how one has brought up one’s offsprings.

27 学问的领域重在研究,经验的范畴则为实践。

Research is key to scholarly pursuits; practice is key to genuine experience.

28 漫漫长夜无梦春宵短,茫茫苦海有船彼岸近。

The dark and long nights are easy to pass with dreamless sleep, the other shore across the sea of suffering is easy to reach with the Dharma as your boat.

29 倚般若杵碎万千障碍,运福德斧建人间净土。

Wisdom will help us overcome all obstacles, virtues will help us build a pure land on earth.

30 驾行般若船苦海普渡,常登涅槃山心性不动。

Command the ship of prajna (wisdom) and help those on the sea of suffering; climb the mountain of nirvana and keep one’s mind unperturbed.

31 河山犹在,景物迁移;日月长运,人事全非。

As time goes by, one sees that nothing escapes the law of impermenance.

32 天上人间乐与苦,自心造作自身受。

Happiness and suffering are both created by one’s own mind.

33 青山绿水广长舌,鸟语花香说妙法。

The green mountains and bubbling streams, the chirping birds and fragrant flowers -- everything around you can be an eloquent Dharma teacher if you know where to look.

34 教育为千秋大业,贤能乃百代楷模。

Education is an undertaking that will have impact for a thousand years, morality is a lodestar that will shine for a hundred generations.

35 水深千丈终见底,山高万里海中升。

Even the deepest ocean is not bottomless, even the tallest mountain has a base, everything great starts small.

36 云门日日是好日,行脚步步履芳草。

For a Buddhist, every day is a good day, everywhere is a good place.

37 世间本无垢与净,祇缘自起分别心。

The difference between "pure" and "impure" only exists in a discriminating mind.

38 夕阳西下明天见,旭日东升近黄昏。

When the sun sets, remember that it will rise again tomorrow; when the sun rises, remember that the sunset is not far behind.

39 戏外看戏忘了戏,梦中作梦不知梦。

Those watching a play often forget it is only a play, those dreaming often forget they are in a dream.

40 雨露霜雪本无主,风云雷电应时现。

As soon as thunder and lightning begin, one can expect a rain storm to follow.

This is the workings of causes and conditions

41 危机化为转机时,绝路走出活路人。

Turn a crisis into an opportunity, turn a dead end into a new path.

Heaven and hell are both in one’s mind, there is no attaining

42 天堂地狱由心造,成佛作祖心外无。

Buddhahood outside of one’s mind.

You are already near enlightenment if you are aware of your

43 惊觉执迷已近悟,知迷不悟错中错。

faults; you are near a disaster if you refuse to recongize and

Everybody says life is like a dream, so why does everybody refuse

44 人生若梦谁都会说,终生作梦怎 不醒。

to wake from this dream?

You can plan and plot your life down to the smallest details, yet it

45 百千计画忙碌一生,万缘放下前程似锦。

is when you let go of all self-centered concerns that your life will

As you do not wait till you are thirsty to start digging a well, do not

46 临渴掘井缓不济急,即时学佛即时解惑。

wait till you are in trouble to start learning the Dharma.

When you can keep your mind unruffled by the ups and downs in

47 勿因有事而忧,宁为无事而喜。

life, you will experience true joy.

The study of Ch’an is the study of mind. All phenomena are

48 禅法即是心法,万法由心生灭。

manifestations of one’s mind.

Whoever wakes from this never-ending dream of ours will be far

49 大梦谁先觉,离梦想颠倒。

removed from illusions and inverted views

50 人上有人,山高水长。

Always keep humility in mind and one can accomplish anything.

Walking is a great way to train one’s body and mind. Walking fast



helps dispel illusions, walking slowly helps nurture concentration


and wisdom.

While the moon waxes and wanes, it is always there. When all the

52 月缺月圆日,若晦若明时;风雨无月夜,月亮本常明。

obstructions are removed, it reveals itself.

53 世俗境:身如玉树临风,心如平湖秋月。

What characterizes an ordinary person: The body is a tree swaying in the wind, the mind a placid lake with the reflection of the autumn moon.

54 修行境:身是菩提树,心如明镜台。

What characterizes a practitioner: The body is the Bodhi tree, the mind a mirror bright.

55 悟后境:菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。

What characterizes one who is enlightened: There is no Bodhi tree, nor sign of a mirror bright.

56 有相无相有无相,真空假空真假空。

Existence and emptiness are one and the same.

57 交友应交直谅多闻,信佛当避怪力乱神,学法幸勿到处摸门,敬僧切忌盲从个人。

Make friends with those who are honest, sincere, and knowledgeable; have faith in the Buddhas without getting caught up by the occult; learn the Dharma without dabbling around; revere the Sangha without blindly following any individual.


Cultivating Gratitude and Blessings

Whether one finds oneself with or without blessings, continue to

58 多福少福当培福,知恩念恩必报恩。

cultivate them; recognize and remember the kindness of others

and never neglect to repay it.

A mind of kindness and compassion will resolve any rivalry ; a

59 慈悲心化解怨敌,智慧心驱除烦恼。

mind of wisdom will dispel all vexations.

Uphold the Three Jewels with a mind of reverence, spread the

60 恭敬心护持三宝,清净心弘法利生。

Dharma and benefit others with a mind of purity.

View every experience in life with gratitude, make good use of

61 感恩心体验生活,精进心善用生命。

one’s life with diligence.

Virtues are cultivated through a sense of contrition, karmic

62 惭愧心增长福德,忏悔心消灭罪障。

obstructions are eliminated through a mind of repentance.

As we conserve and cherish our water source so that water will

63 怀恩报恩恩相续,饮水思源源不绝。

never run dry, recognize and repay the kindness of others so that

the chain of kindness will continue,.

Persistence will get you through everything, resilience will help you

64 坚韧心易度难关,长远心可成大事。

achieve anything.

Your mind and my mind are exactly the same as the Buddha’s

65 你心我心同佛心,知福惜福多培福。

mind; recognize, cherish, and nurture our blessings.

Repay one drop of kindness with abundant generosity, return the

66 涓滴之恩涌泉以馈,一饭之施粉身相报。

favor of one meal with utmost devotion.

When you have water to drink, share it with others; when you

67 取水饮水以水饮人,受恩谢恩用恩谢人。

receive kindness from others, repay it with gratitude.

Untie the knot of love and hate, of passions and enmity; instead,

68 解开爱恨情仇心结,学习慈悲喜舍心量。

learn the generosity of kindness and compassion, of sympathetic

joy and equanimity.

The kindness of one’s parents is greater than heaven and earth;

69 父母之恩重于天地,三宝之德多过恒沙。

the virtues of the Three Jewels are greater than the countless

grains of sand in the Ganges.

Be grateful to and repay the kindness of others. Avoid emotional

70 知恩报恩是饮水思源,恩情纠结会相互伤害。

entanglement that causes suffering.

Harboring gratitude will nurture blessings that you can use all your

71 感恩是终生受用的福报,怀恨乃永世纠缠的魔障。

life, harboring hatred will create obstructions that follow you

One who does not use his wealth to benefit others is analogous to

72 若不善用财富利益世人,便像锦衣夜行暗自骄矜。

one who is all dressed up in complete darkness where no one can

see him -- it is vain and foolish.

The value of managing wealth lies in giving; the reason for

73 布施是经营财富的价值,种福乃过手财富的原因。

possessing money is to cultivate blessings.

Cultivate blessings, and family wealth may last for a hundred

74 家业百年不坠因为积福,富贵不过三代由于自私。

years; be selfish, and family fortunes will not survive three

One shall find lifelong happiness by being of service to others.

75 随时服务他人,终生幸福;有力不结善缘,后悔莫及。

Sow favorable conditions whenever one is able or regrets will

Plant your seeds, weed and fertilize your field, be grateful when

76 看天播种时,耘草施肥日,丰收感恩月,祈求年年好年。

you have a full harvest and pray for more auspicious years to

Those seeking blessings should first plant, cultivate, and cherish

the seed of blessings; those seeking wealth should first create



good causes and conditions; those seeking longevity should first


take good care of one’s body and mind; those seeking good luck

should first be pleasant and kind to others.

Reflect upon oneself with a sense of contrition, and always be



mindful that one has not done enough for and given enough to


oneself and others.

Always reflect upon oneself with a sense of contrition. Without



self-reflection on one’s behavior, one is in constant danger of


going astray.

View everything in the world with gratitude. If one is not grateful



and does not repay the kindness of others, one will soon run out of


good luck.

To live happily ever after, be grateful and respectful to one



another, learn from one another, forgive one another, and love


and support one another.


Cultivating Virtues and Merits.

Be sincere, and your prayer will be answered, be diligent, and

82 真诚必有应,精勤万事成。

anything can be accomplished.

Do not slack off because you are smart enough; always

83 宁以勤勉补笨拙,勿仗聪明而懈怠。

compensate for a lack of intelligence with diligence.

One will not suffer any loss by being disiplined with oneself, one

84 严以律己不亏损,宽以待人受益多。

has much to gain by being forgiving towards others.

Be content with poverty, but hard work and thrift will lead you to

85 守贫望富当勤俭,处乱守安不动心。

wealth; stay calm in the face of turmoil and keep your mind from

Simple meals and clothes are as good as fancy ones. Hard work

86 菜根清香布衣暖,勤劳健康节俭富。

leads to good health and thrift leads to wealth.

While it may seem romantic to seize the moment and enjoy life’s

87 及时行乐乃浪漫,随处修善积功德。

pleasure to the fullest, it is doing good deeds whenever and

wherever you can that will truly bring you life’s blessings and

There is always competition. Just focus on your own endeavor

88 能中更有能中手,各自努力莫羡人。

without envy or jealousy.

Good advice is usually hard to take, just as good medicine usually

89 听诤言未必顺耳,尝苦味的是良药。

tastes bitter.

Be the heaven-sent rain when there is a draught, be the person

90 枯旱祈降及时雨,隆冬愿作送暖人。

who brings warmth and care in the dead of winter.

The Phoenix (a symbol of luck) will only nest in an auspicious

91 凤凰好栖富贵宅,白鹤喜落福寿家。

household, the white crane (a symbol of longevity) will only visit a

Keep your mind free from thoughts of gain and loss, and you will

92 心中不存得失想,常作世间无事人。

be free and at ease at all times.

Those with both talent and virtue will benefit all, those with talent

93 才德兼备是贤良,有能无德害群马。

but no virtue will only bring harm.

Recognize your wrongs and never repeat them. Even the butcher

94 知过即改不为耻,放下屠刀立成佛。

becomes a Buddha the instant he puts away his knife.

95 警惕富贵不出三代,小心权势令人堕落。

Beware that wealth rarely lasts and power often corrupts.

History teaches us that great men often emerge from difficult

96 自古将相多出寒门,舍己为公天下太平。

circumstances, and that those who sacrifice their own selfish

desires for the common good lead society to peace and

Avoid the attachment to one’s ego and be open minded, always

97 少些人我是非的执着,多点成人之美的言行。

behave in a way that is helpful to others.

Cultivating one’s blessings is crucial to maintain one’s wealth.

98 若望常保富贵,培福要紧,富贵多从积福来。

Where blessings abound, wealth usually follows.

Boundless blessings are found in upholding and reciting often the

99 受持观世音菩萨名号,得无量无边福德之利。

name of Guan Yin (Avalokitesvara).


Rather than plunder another’s bowl of rice, plow your own rice



field; if you do not have a rice field of your own, then help

Always keep in mind the spirit of humility, respect, tolerance, and



generosity; always act with the principles of honesty, civility, thrift


and diligence.


Fame and wealth obtained overnight are difficult to keep. Be


sensible and realistic.


It is difficult to find a kindred soul, but don’t let that stop you from



befriending others. Minimize worries and vexations, and your


blessings will grow while obstructions lessen.

One who is paranoid is prone to be deceived, one who is


understanding is bound to find a helping hand. For richer or



poorer, don’t hesitate to give, for giving is the key to benefiting

oneself, others, and all setient beings.

There are four conditions for a good life: born at the right place,



blessed at old age, maintaining a healthy mind in sickness, and


death at the right time. This would truly be a life of bliss.

106 富贵未必只三代,贤哲未必生于寒门;富贵当积德,寒门须勤勉。

The wealthy shall cultivate blessings; the poor shall be diligent. Any household that follows these principles will find itself blessed with great wealth and great characters.

107 行善没有条件。

Doing good is without condition.

108 珍惜生命,为自己加油。

Cherish one’s life and always cheer oneself on.

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