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念佛四十八法 32) 不断持名 Uninterrupted Recitation
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32) 不断持名

Uninterrupted Recitation

Recite in the morning, recite in the evening, recite when you are at leisure, recite when you are busy, recite in clean places, recite in unclean places – there should not be a single thought which is not of the Buddha. Even if you have to entertain friends and serve guests every day and thus have to interrupt your recitation, only vocal recitation should be interrupted, not mental recitation. Practicing with such constancy, you can easily achieve samadhi.

朝也念,暮也念,无事也念,有事也念,净处也念,秽处也念,无有一念非佛者,即 使日用应酬有时间断,然断其言句不能断其真命脉也,功夫至此,成片易矣!

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上一篇:念佛四十八法 33) 不杂持名 Recitation without Sundry Thoughts
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