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27.就有道而正焉 Approaching the Orthodox Way
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Approaching the Orthodox Way

In the ninth year of the T'ung Chih reign period (1870), the Master was thirty-one years old. He traveled to Lung Chuan (Dragon Spring) Temple on Hua Ting Peak of T'ien T'ai Mountain, where he bowed in reverence to the Venerable Dharma Master Yung Ching. After a long pause, Master Ching said, "You have such a strange appearance. Are you a member of the Sangha? A Taoist? Or a layman"

The Master answered, "A Sangha member."

The Venerable Ching further asked. "Have you received the precepts?"

The Master replied, " I have received the Complete Precepts. "

Who taught you to practice in this manner?" asked the Venerable Ching.

"I am emulating the method used by the ancient cultivators," said the Master.

The Venerable Ching replied, "You know how to sustain your body but you do not yet know how to guard your mind."

The verse says:
Hua Ting Peak's Dragon Spring Temple is found on T'ien T'ai Mountain.
There the Master bowed in reverence to the honored expert Ching.
We should be grateful for the Mahayana of days gone by,
For it brought about the accomplishment of this greatly enlightened sage!

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上一篇:28.改头换装习天台 Rectifying his appearance, changing clothes, and practicing the Tien Tai Teaching
下一篇:26.道引善知识 Finding a guiding advisor
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