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39.金山江天禅寺 Arriving at Gold Mountains Chiang Tien Dhyana Monastery
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Arriving at Gold Mountain's Chiang T'ien Dhyana Monastery

Commonly called Gold Mountain, this monastery is known as the headquarters of the Ch'an sect. Dragons and elephants as well as discerning, eminent Sangha members assemble here. Throughout the ages, there never has been a lack of people to staff it. In the T'ang Dynasty, the Abbot was the Venerable Master Fa Hai (Dharma Sea). Ch'an Master Fwo Yin (Buddha Seal) of the Sung Dynasty defeated Su Tung P'o here in debates and the jade belt which the latter forfeited remains at the monastery to this day. When the Master Yun was forty-one, he arrived here to personally meet the Venerable Masters Kuan Hsin (Contemplate the Mind), Hsin Lin (New Grove) and Ta Ting (Great Samadhi), among other senior-seated bhikshus.

The verse says:
Chin Shan's efficacious atmosphere concealed eminent Sanghans.
The stick and shouting of the Ch'an sect have well-established repute.
Who is mindful of the Buddha? Who is it who recites?
When the black energy barrel is burst open, one is liberated from the cage.

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上一篇:40.扬州高旻寺跑香 Walking and sitting meditation at Kao Min Monastery in Yang Chou
下一篇:38.镇江焦山大水 Meeting the Venerable Master Ta Shui of Chiao Shan Mountain on the Chen River
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