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45.南京礼懒祖塔 Bowing to the stupa of Patriarch Lan at Nan Ching
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Bowing to the stupa of Patriarch Lan at Nan Ching

On Niu T'o (Ox Head) Mountain in Chin Ling (Golden Earth) during the Chen Kuan reign period of the T'ang Dynasty, the Ch'an Master Lan Yung built a hut. He exerted himself in his cultivation of the Way, neither disturbing or being disturbed by the tigers or wolves which frequented the area. When the Fourth Patriarch Dharma Master Tao Hsin (Faith in the Way) observed this mountain from afar, clouds of purple energy radiated there. When he reached the mountain, he called on Master Lan, who revealed to him the mind's brilliance and the wonderful principle of seeing the nature. The stupa which commemorates his accomplishment of the Way still exists, and the Master Yun made a special point of bowing to this stupa.

The verse says:
Who is it who contemplates? And what sort of thing is the mind?
As tigers and wolves encircled him, the Patriarch expressed fear.
 "Venerable Elder," said Master Lan, "do you still have this?"
The Patriarch, writing "Buddha" on the rock and inviting the Master to sit, replied when the Master refused, "You haven't awakened beyond that?"

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