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48.寄宿小旅店 Staying overnight at a small inn
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Staying overnight at a small inn

At the end of the twelfth month, the Master, continuing his prostrations, reached the T'ieh Hsieh crossing of the Yellow River. He passed by the tomb of Kuang Wu (Bright Warrior), where there were no monasteries, and so there was no choice but to spend the evening at an inn. This was on the first day of the new year. The walking from then on became extraordinarily bleak and bitter, and making prostrations while climbing mountains and crossing rivers was even more difficult. The writer has also had this experience in the past, coming afar from Manchuria, traveling thousands of miles in search of a clear teacher.

The verse says:
He explored the country traveling by foot and underwent bitter suffering.
By visiting mountains and making obeisance, his character was improved.
He rested on dew and slept in the mist and had no place of dwelling.
Garbed in the stars and capped by the moon, he overcame his mind.

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上一篇:49.过黄河遇白雪 Crossing the Yellow River and encountering snow
下一篇:47.从狮子岭再拜 Starting to bow again on Shih Tzu Peak
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