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50.忍冻饿感文吉 His enduring of cold and hunger prompts the appearance of Wen Chi
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His enduring of cold and hunger prompts the appearance of Wen Chi

The straw hut offered no protection since it was open to the elements. The Master huddled up into a corner while the flying snowflakes filled the sky. His very life lingered between waves of cold and hunger. Still, he managed to sustain proper mindfulness. But as the third day approached, he gradually lost consciousness. The snow stopped on the afternoon of the sixth day of the month. He was so severely ill that he could not move to take advantage of the faint rays of sun he saw. On the seventh, a beggar came along and asked the Master a question, but received no reply. The beggar then cooked some yellow rice gruel which he fed to the master.

The verse says:
Bedding on the ground with the sky as a roof, he used the snow as a blanket.
The Venerable Master rested by himself but was not alone in the cold.
A beggar who came and knew his sound cared for the Master's health.
With snow all around he prepared a meal made of yellow rice.

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上一篇:51.来自五台回长安去 Returning from Wu Tai to Chang An
下一篇:49.过黄河遇白雪 Crossing the Yellow River and encountering snow
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