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89.鸡足山拜迦叶 Bowing to Mahakasyapa in Chi Tsu Mountain
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Bowing to Mahakasyapa in Chi Tsu Mountain

The Master then went directly to the Hall of Kasyapa. It is said that when the Venerable Ananda came here to pay his respects, the huge stone door opened by its self. The master went to the shrine, which was a large cave on a precipice. The entrance was blocked by a stone door called Hua Shou (Foremost Flower) Gate, which looked like the large gate of a closed city wall. Within, the Venerable Mahakasyapa is deep in samadhi. The master bowed, and suddenly, three tollings of a huge bell were heard. The natives were surprised and delighted, and everyone bowed to him. It was said that a sage had arrived.

The verse says:
On the thirtieth day of the seventh lunar month, he bowed to Kasyapa.
Everyone heard the tolling of the bell, which thrice rang out that day.
It was said that a noteworthy man had come, and this was indeed true.
Everyone bowed and knelt before this eminent Virtuous Sanghan.

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