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当前栏目:[佛教徒信仰的是什么 What Buddhists Believe?]文集

 佛教徒信仰的是什么 What Buddhists Believe? 序 FOREWORD 阅读:3461
 第一章 佛陀的本怀与生平 Chapter 1 Gautama, the Buddha 阅读:2553
 出家 His Renunciation 阅读:2124
 佛陀是世界之光 Nature of the Buddha Light of the World 阅读:2218
 佛陀的奉献 The Buddhas ServiceThe Buddhas Service 阅读:1782
 历史见证了佛陀 Historical Evidence of the Buddha 阅读:1924
 菩萨行 Bodhisatta 阅读:1849
 圆成佛道 Attainment of Buddhahood 阅读:1958
 第二章 佛陀的言教 Chapter 2 His Message 阅读:1883
 神通 Miraculous Power 阅读:1863
 佛陀的沉默 The Buddhas Silence 阅读:1882
 佛陀对世间知识的态度 The Buddhas Attitude Towards Worldly Knowledge 阅读:1967
 佛陀的遗言 The Last Message of the Buddha 阅读:2220
 第三章 佛陀入灭之后 Chapter 3: After the Buddha 阅读:1839
 佛陀的继承人 A Successor to the Buddha 阅读:2103
 未来的佛陀 The Future Buddha 阅读:1916
 第四章 永恒的真理 Chapter 4 Timeless Truth of the Buddha 阅读:1842
 什么是佛教 What is Buddhism? 阅读:2295
 究竟的真理 The Ultimate Truth 阅读:2104
 佛教的两大部派 Two Main Schools of Buddhism 阅读:2230

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