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101.看破放下自在 Gaining self- mastery, he sees through everything and puts it all down
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Gaining self- mastery, he sees through everything and puts it all down

The Master worked persistently during the session, and with the lucidity borne of single- mindedness, he saw through both the body and mind. In twenty days, he was completely cured of all illness. When Abbot Te An (Virtue of the Other Shore) of the temple near the Ts'ai Shih Jetty arrived with offerings of clothing and supplies, he was greatly surprised to see the Master so radiant. He told the assembly about the Master's fall into the water. Thereupon, the Master was commended and excused from staff responsibilities of running the Ch'an hall. This freed him to work even harder.

The verse says:
Within, there is no body or mind; outside, there are no objects.
Bodhi is not a tree, and the mirror lacks a stand.
If one enlightens to the basic fact that originally there isn't a thing,
Then the body is transformed and becomes a living Tathagata.

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上一篇:102.洞澈内外光明 Being permeated by light inside and out
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