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111.曲阜县瞻孔庙 Visiting the Temple of Confucius in Chu Fu County
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Visiting the Temple of Confucius in Ch'u Fu County

The achievements of Confucius are extremely sagely and great, and Confucianism is an important element if Chinese civilization. The hall commemorating Confucius is located in Ch'u Fu County, Shan Tung Province, and it holds a very important place in history of the Chinese culture. The Master greatly admired Confucius' way virtue and scholarship, so he went there to view and pay his respects to the temple and tomb of Confucius in order to demonstrate these feelings.

The gatha says:
Great indeed is Confucius, whose virtue in the Way is high.
A myriad generations for thousands of years look to him as a teacher and model.
Of more than three thousand pupils whom this Master taught,
There were but seventy scholars who entered the door of his school.

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