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116.大钟寺观古迹 Viewing the relics at Ta Chung Monastery
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Viewing the relics at Ta Chung6 Monastery

The Master viewed the eighty-four-thousand-pound bronze bell, which was cast by the Monk Yao Kuang Hsiao during the Ming Dynasty. It is several stories in height. Its crown is seven feet high, and it is fourteen feet in diameter. The entire Avatamsaka (Flower Adornment) Sutra is cast on the outside, and the Dharma Flower Sutra and the Tsun Sheng (Noble and Sublime) Mantra in their entirety are cast on the inside. The Vajra Sutra is cast on the lip, and on the crown, the Shurangama Mantra. It was offered by the Yung Le Emperor for the sake of crossing over his mother.

The gatha says:
Although in Burma one can see the magnificent Golden Stupa,
The colossal Bronze Bell of China is even greater yet.
Both of these are renowned historical objects.
The cherished bell has now been lost, but it will ring again.

6. "Great Bell"

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 二集 第一品[栏目:如是语经]



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