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117.回城南龙泉寺住 Returning to Cheng Nan and staying at Lung Chuan Monastery
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Returning to Ch'eng Nan7 and staying at Lung Ch'üan8 Monastery

By the fifth lunar month, the Boxer Rebellion had intensified. Their motto was "Support the Ch'ing Dynasty, and eliminate the foreigners." The Empress Dowager had condoned the assassination of the secretary of the Japanese Consulate and the German Ambassador. On the seventeenth of the month, war was declared on the foreign powers by imperial mandate. The capital was in tumult. The following month, T'ien Tsin was lost, and a month later Peking fell to the allied troops. During that time, the princes and ministers who were staying at Lung Ch'uan (Dragon Spring) Monastery urged the Master to join the Imperial Retinue in its flight west.

The gatha says:
On the verge of ruin was old Ch'ing Dynasty, as the Boxers were embattled.
The allied armies of eight different countries invaded like plundering demons.
The Empress Dowager in dire straits fled to Ch'ang An in the west.
Protecting their royal majesties was a man of ascetic practice.

7. "Southern City"
8. "Dragon Spring"

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上一篇:118.离北京赴长安 Leaving Peking and heading toward Chang An
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 佛说盂兰盆经与佛教孝慈之道 第一章•概论 第五节•世出世间孝之区别[栏目:佛说盂兰盆经与佛教孝慈之道]



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