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当前栏目:[A Buddhist Bible]文集

 Title Page / Dedication / Advertisements / Table of Contents 阅读:2374
 Preface 阅读:2118
 History of Chan Buddhism Previous to the Times of Hui-Neng (Wei-Lang) 阅读:2293
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Preface 阅读:2175
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Introduction 阅读:2197
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter I. Discrimination 阅读:2214
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter II. False-Imagination and Knowledge of Appearances 阅读:2265
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter III. Right Knowledge or Knowledge of Relations 阅读:2048
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter VI. Perfect Knowledge, or Knowledge of Reality 阅读:2007
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter V. The Mind System 阅读:2125
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter VI. Transcendental Intelligence 阅读:1981
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter VII. Self-Realisation 阅读:2321
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter VIII. The Attainment of Self- Realisation 阅读:2099
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter IX. The Fruit of Self- Realisation 阅读:2091
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter X. Discipleship: Lineage of the Arhats 阅读:2033
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter XI. Bodhisattvahood and Its Stages 阅读:2103
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter XII. Tathagatahood Which Is Noble Wisdom 阅读:2120
 The Lankavatara Sutra - Chapter XIII. Nirvana 阅读:1964
 The Diamond Sutra - Preface 阅读:2471
 The Diamond Sutra - The Diamond Scripture 阅读:2639

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