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148.老栗树开昙花 Witnessing Udumbara flowers bloom on the old chestnut tree
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Witnessing Udumbara flowers bloom on the old chestnut tree

The Master responded to an invitation by various members of the Sangha and benefactors to explain the Shurangama Sutra. When the Master had ascended his seat and was speaking the Dharma, the old chestnut tree in front of the hall suddenly blossomed, sending forth several tens of clusters of Udumbara flowers. They were big as basins and had the form of peonies, with a golden-yellow hue. Rare fragrance exuded from them; and they were empty in the middle, reflecting their purity of form. They bloomed lushly for several months and did not wither. Everyone who saw them pronounced it a marvel and exclaimed that there had never been anything like it before.

The gatha says:
A little magic by the old tree brought forth miraculous offerings,
As the youngsters turned their heads to gaze at the supernatural blooms.
All the Sanghans together agreed on the flowers' propitious rarity,
While respectful donors took refuge with sublime Bodhi

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 宽容关爱 如左右手一样亲如一家[栏目:花开花落·妙语禅机]



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